Monday, June 21, 2010


Everything around you is changing.

There is no escaping from the reality that nothing remains the same and everything in our world is in constant flux. A seed grows into a plant, buds, blooms, fades and withers away. The seasons change, warm to cool, hot to blistering, thunderstorms to flurries. Babies are born, grow into children, adolescents, adults, seniors, and they too wither away. Feelings change, grow, blossom, pop like a bubble or wither away. Love can easily turn to hate and sometimes the people closest to us are also the ones that are the easiest to push away.

The Earth itself is also changing. Whether it is deforestation, extinction of animals, rising sea levels or not-so-natural disasters the environment today is different from the environment yesterday. You may argue whether the human influence as caused these changes to our world, but my perspective is it doesn't matter.

Whether BP spilled the oil or not, the oceans were bound to become polluted. Whether Borneo protected its forests or not, globalization would continue. Whether my hairspray has CFCs in it or not: the Earth would still change and flux and human's time on this planet remains limited.

I believe the day will come when our Earth will become uninhabitable for humans. I am glad that I will not live to see it and I intend to reach enlightenment so I will not be forced to return and try again. However, regardless of whether it will be caused by humans, it is bound to happen. The dinosaurs did not foresee their demise and could not have prevented it. The bright side is, the Earth will continue with or without us. It will change, regenerate and support life.

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